PCOS Treatment With Ayurveda

Ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine can be a holistic healing system developed 3,000 years back in India. The oldest holistic practices of the world have the concept of health and wellness to balance the body, mind and spirit. If diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, women can consider Ayurveda. Take a look at these Ayurvedic treatments for PCOS and the research on its effectiveness.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS, a hormonal disorder affects women of reproductive age. It is due to excess androgen and infrequent menstrual periods that last longer.

Ovaries develop follicles in PCOS that are small fluid collections, failing to release eggs regularly.

Ayurvedic Treatment For PCOS

Treating PCOS with Ayurveda involves therapies, a combination of herbs, diet and lifestyle changes.

Use Of Herbs For PCOS

Ayurvedic treatment of PCOS can vary among practitioners, with the use of specific herbs to balance the hormones. It includes:

Ashwagandha – the herb known as winter cherry or Indian ginseng. It balances the cortisol levels of PCOS symptoms and improves stress, based on a 2016 study where 52 people underwent chronic stress.

Cinnamon – is harvested from the cinnamon tree’s bark that can be used in baked goods. Based on the 2007 study, cinnamon positively affects the insulin resistance in PCOS. A study of women using cinnamon regulated the menstrual cycles of women with PCOS.

Turmeric – has curcumin as an active ingredient which is yellow coloured. The 2017 study on PCOS-induced rats, used curcumin as an anti-inflammatory agent and it decreased insulin resistance.

Ayurvedic Diet For PCOS

Dietary practises for PCOS are recommended by Ayurvedic practitioners as follows:

  • Consumption of few saturated fats (deep-fried foods and red meat)
  • Reduce salt intake
  • More vegetables, fruits and whole grains
  • Avoid sugary foods, refined sugar and artificial sweeteners

Consult your doctor if following the Ayurvedic treatment. They can know your current health and interactions that might occur with medications you currently take.

Ayurveda Approach for Female Fertility

Advanced Ayurveda Cell Detoxification and Regeneration treatment developed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar from the specialty branch of Ayurveda called as Rasayana, and Vajeekarana, can increase the Fertility levels by stimulating the follicle growth and improving the Ovulation so that each and every month there is a mature egg available for conception thereafter increasing the chances of pregnancy drastically,

Ayurveda treatment can also correct pcos and  genetic defects in the matured egg and it can help older women to make better quality of eggs

So, believe in the 5000+ years old system of medication called AYURVEDA which can help you overcome all your fertility issues

Consult our specialist DR today.

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Originally posted 2021-10-18 08:06:31.
