Indian Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a common condition in men after the age of 40. Improper or insufficient blood flow to the penis is the primary cause of ED. Listed below are few home remedies which help relieve the early symptoms.

Pomegranate Juice – Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

This fruit helps in improving the blood ciruclation in the body. It is known to boost the levels of nitride oxide in your body. A pilot study was conducted in 2007 to confirm positive results of using pomegranate juice as a remedy ED.

Carrots – Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Carrots are rich source of beta carotene and aphrodisiac in nature. The Chinese believe raw carrots can be used as a natural remedy for ED. Consume them in salads or take it with warm glass of milk. Grate about two tablespoons of carrot and consume it with a glass of warm milk.

Almonds – Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Almonds are known to nourish the nervous system of our body. They are rich in Vitamin E, Zinc, Copper and Manganese. Soak a handful of almonds three hours prior to your sleep. Half an hour before you go to bed, consume the soaked almonds, preferably after peeling the skin.  Alteranately, you can mix a tablespoon of the Almond powder in warm milk and consume it before retiring for the day.

Garlic – Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

The Allicin in Garlic is known to promote healthy blood circulation in our body. A study by NHS Trust observed that consuming garlic everyday for three months helped the patients with ED. You may fry the garlic in Ghee to make its consumption easier.


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Originally posted 2021-09-29 09:05:08.
