How to Balance the Heavy (Kapha) Period

To know what comprises a healthy cycle from an Ayurvedic perspective, take a look at the first part of this series.
Here, we discover the components of a Kapha period. (Check out part two of this series to know what excess Vata in the cycle looks like; to see what excess pitta looks like, check out part four of the same series)

We need to understand that our personal menstrual cycle and related experience which includes any imbalances tend to vary from month to month. For a better understanding of the same, you must take a look at the activities from the previous month’s as clues. This will help you find what activities clicked for you and what may have been responsible for certain imbalances.

Imbalanced Kapha

Kapha dosha comprises of earth and water elements. Its qualities are cold, heaviness, dullness, oiliness, static, smooth, dense, soft, and liquid. Using the basic principle of Ayurveda that like increases like, we know that things with similar qualities can increase Kapha.

These are some triggers of Kapha. Cold and damp weather, such as the late winter and spring, indulging yourself on heavier foods—particularly oily, fatty, very sweet, or salty foods, dairy, daytime naps or excessive sleep, a very sedentary or low activity lifestyle are all strong triggers for Kapha imbalance.

If Kapha dosha is higher in the body, the symptoms may include a general feeling of heaviness or malaise, lack of motivation or feeling like you are stuck and physical symptoms such as congestion and retention of fluids.

Do you see these Kapha qualities reflected in your diet, lifestyle, or environment in the previous month? Is the weather cold or damp? Did you tend to eat more Kapha-provoking foods which are heavy, sweet, salty or cold? How was your sleep? Did you have a hard time getting enough movement and exercise?

A higher level of Kapha is likely to show up in your mind and body which includes your menstrual cycle if your diet or lifestyle is Kapha-provoking.

When Kapha is in excess in your system, you may experience

  • Emotions like depression
  • Emotional eating disorder
  • Increased sluggishness and sleepiness
  • Dull pain
  • Increased mucus in the flow with a slight yellow tinge
  • Occasional swelling and water retention in the face, breasts, or in the hands and legs
  • An occasionally heavier flow due to tissue accumulation and Kapha in the reproductive tissues

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:41:44.
