Female Infertility Treatment in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, the reproductive system is supervised by the Prana Vata, Apana Vata and Sadhaka Pitta, although the organs have qualities of Kapha. Shukra Dosha Kshaya or dosha vitiation may interfere with the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. Also, toxic accumulation in the body may sometimes interfere with the well being of the reproductive organs. A purification process is a necessary requirement before beginning the actual treatment in the Ayurveda. The purification or expulsion of toxic is done according to the methods of panchakarma.

A diagnosis to ascertain the Dosha type of the body and investigation to pinpoint the vitiated Dosha helps in recommending the right kind of herbal treatment. Herbs like Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Yogaraj Guggulu, Dashamoolarishta, etc are prescribed for treating the infertility symptoms. Depending on the condition or causal factor causing infertility appropriate herb is recommended. Sometimes, aphrodisiacs which overcome the Shukra Kshaya are recommended to overcome infertility triggered due to Shukra Kshaya.

In extreme cases of infertility caused due to tubal blockages, Uttara Basti is recommended. The efficacy of Uttara Basti has been proved in the work presented in the journal An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda. Kumara Taila medicated enema was used in the process. There are other potent Basti Dravyas like Kshar Taila and Dashamoola Taila for treating PCOD triggered infertility.

Consuming less fat content foods and avoiding preservative-laced foods, stops the further accumulation of toxin in the body. Snack on soaked almonds and walnuts, fresh fruits like peaches, mangoes and plums.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 09:06:43.
