Pregnancy tips: Sperm Quality and Regular Sex

Women eager to get pregnant try to undertake many things to improve their chances to get pregnant and become a mother. Besides their diets, they are also equally concerned about their existing general lifestyles. Nothing is exactly wrong with this, since being pregnant is termed to be a social responsibility as it is considered to be the key to enjoying motherhood.

It is known by almost every woman that conception is possible only if during ovulation period, the sperms are able to meet the egg. A crucial factor which determines success of the process and pregnancy is the man’s sperm quality. The reason is because, sperm quality determines the swiftness by which they are able to swim towards egg and the duration, it will be alive within the woman’s body. These two factors are crucial to ensure that you enjoy pregnancy.

Generally, women worry as to how often sexual intercourse is to be had with their partners for having a baby successfully. It is more specially taking into consideration the confusion if excess sex negatively or positively affects the sperm quality produced by the man. Some people are of the belief that it causes premature sperm production that does not have any effect during ovulation period upon the egg and others are of the opinion that it is essential to have regular sex as it is good to improve chances to get pregnant and also increases sperm quality.

According to recent studies conducted, it is found that it is good to have regular sex to increase chances to enjoy success in the pregnancy efforts among couples eager to get pregnant. The reason is because, sex does play a key role to improve chances of successful fertilization and also it helps to boost sperm quality that is produced by the man.

Medical practitioners have stated that with regular sexual activities, does reduce the sperm’s exposure towards testicle environment. Frequent healthy sperm production not exposed to surrounding molecular environment within the testicles is allowed with frequent ejaculation. Usually, this sperm remains undamaged and unharmed, therefore, providing the couples with a better chance to get pregnant.

To get pregnant faster, couples are advised by doctors to have sex every day for almost a week right up to ovulation period as this only increases their chances. Although, it might affect slightly the man’s sperm volume that is released, it is not a problem faced by healthy couples, since the produced volume at any point of time by the healthy and fit man is quite sufficient.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:12:25.
