Oligospermia Male Infertility: Availing Ayurvedic Treatment

Semen having low sperm concentration is referred to as Oligozoospermia. It is commonly found in male infertility. At times, there can be semen along with reduced sperm concentration, thereby displaying significant abnormalities caused in sperm motility and morphology (technically termed as ‘oligoasthenoteratozoospermia).

Oligospermia diagnosis

Oligospermia diagnosis is based upon individual low count present in semen analysis that is carried out on two occasions. Sperm concentration being fewer by 20 million sperm/ml for several decades was regarded to be oligospermic or low. However recently, sperm criteria had been re-evaluated by the WHO to establish low reference point, which is fewer than 15 million sperm/ml that is consistent for fertile men with 5th percentile. There is also noticed fluctuation in sperm concentrations, which can be permanent or temporary.

Causes of Oligozoospermia

Pre-testicular factors

Refer to conditions that impede adequate support of the testes and include situations of poor hormonal support and poor general health including:

  • Hypogonadism
  • Drugs, alcohol, smoking
  • Strenuous riding
  • Medications which includes including androgen
Testicular factors

Such factors tend to refer to certain conditions, where poor quality semen is produced by the testes despite there is sufficient hormonal support.

  • Age
  • Genetic defects on the Y chromosome
  • Abnormal set of chromosomes
  • seminoma
  • Idiopathic failure
  • Varicocele
  • Trauma
  • Cryptorchidism

Also is not found any causative factor among 30% infertile men for quality or concentration of sperm reduction through common clinical, laboratory or instrumental means. The condition is referred to as ‘idiopathic’ (unexplained). There are several factors involved in genesis associated with this condition. It includes infectious agents like Chlamydia trachomatis, age, Y chromosome microdeletions, environmental pollutants, mitrochondrial changes along with ‘subtle’ hormonal changes.


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Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:04:02.
