Causes of Infertility in Men – Male Reproductive Organs Play an Important Role

It is always important to know the factors leading to a health condition and to not just treat the symptoms. Let us look at some of the factors that lead to infertility in men. The faint functioning of the two major aspects given below are known to cause infertility in men,

  • Semen Delivery System
  • Sperm Cell Quality

The effective functioning of the semen delivery system is essential for a man to be sexually potent. A sexually potent man is able to attain an erection and sustain it as required. It is important that the penis must not have any physical abnormality in either size or shape. Any defect in the penis can affect the semen delivery system and cause infertility or impotence.

It is possible that fertility is affected even when a man is able to reach and keep up the erection if the potency or quality of the sperm is weak. In such a case one can still be affected by infertility and one can even be affected with sterility. There are also health conditions which are bound to influence either the semen delivery system or the sperm quality maybe even both. It is however important to note that in about 50% of the cases of infertility found in men, the actual cause has not been identified.

To be well informed about the causes underlying infertility in men, it will be a good idea to understand better the male reproductive organs which play important roles in human fertility. Let us take a look :

Prostate Gland 

It is the prostate gland which secretes a fluid which constitutes about 20% of the total amount of semen. The acidic state of the vagina is supposed to be harmful to the sperm cells and this fluid contains ingredients which dilute the acidity.

Bulbourethral Glands 

The Bulbourethral Glands is also known as the Cowper’s Glands. It secretes fluids which go on to form around 3% of the semen. This helps in getting the vagina lubricated which in turn assists the movement of the sperms.

The Spermatic Cord

This cord contains the nerves, the lymphatics and the blood vessels that go to the testes. The spermatic cord also holds the vas deferens.


The urethra is the channel through which semen and also urine is delivered outside. It plays an important role in male fertility because any blockage in the urethra can lead to difficulty in delivery of sperms, which can also cause infertility in men.

Treatment: Male infertility Treatment

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 09:01:25.
