9 Scientifically Based Aphrodisiacs for Increased Sex Drive

The term ‘Aphrodisiac’ is taken from the Greek love goddess named Aphrodite. It is defined as a drug or food which induces sexual desire, arouses sexual instinct or enhances sexual performance or pleasure. It is traditionally prepared from minerals, animals or plants and much coveted for ions.

Aphrodisiacs that are scientifically proven to improve sex drive

Safed musli: Scientifically termed as Chlorophytum borivilianum, is known to possess adaptogenic and immunomodulatory properties. It is traditionally used to treat sterility, impotency and improve male potency.

Tribulus terrestris: Also called goat’s herd or puncture vine, this flowering plant is part of Zygophyllaceae family. It is found in tropical and warm temperate regions and used in ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. It is known to have androgen releasing properties, associated with intracavernous (penile) pressure and sexual behaviour.

Asian ginseng: It is considered to be among the best aphrodisiacs available in this planet and used in Chinese medicines for a long time. It revitalizes the entire body and not limited only to the testicles.

Mondia whitei: It belongs to Periplocaceae family and used in traditional medicine to manage & treat erectile dysfunction. Heightened total mortality along with improved progressive motility was noticed in spermatozoa in-vitro when aqueous administration was given to humans in a timely manner. Men with asthenozoospermia can benefit from its usage.

Tropical almond: Known scientifically as Terminalia catappa, this large tropical tree is known for its edible nuts having aphrodisiacs properties. It is found in Asia, Africa and Australia. Its extract help improve sexual vigour.

Nutmeg: It helps treat various types of sexual disorders and was being used in Perso-Arabic or Unani traditional medicine for a long time. It also helps to improve mating activity.

Saffron: Scientifically referred to as Crocus sativus, this stemless herb is found in Iran, India & Greece. It is mainly used for seasoning foods as well as an aphrodisiac in medicines. It reduces latency and increases sexual frequency.

Maca: Scientifically known as Lepidium meyenii, it is found in Central Andes region. It is known for its fertility enhancing and aphrodisiac properties. It helps improve sexual desire in men.

Date palm: Its scientific name is Phoenix dactylifera and it is grown in North Africa, Persian and Arab worlds. Traditional medicines make use of its pollen to cure male infertility. Date palm pollen suspensions can help boost morphology, motility, sperm count and also increase epididymis and testis weight.

Getting to know more about these aphrodisiacs and consulting the professionals will help you to take the right decision.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 02:30:43.
