Have you contracted Venereal Disease Symptoms?

Probably you are aware about VD or venereal disease. It is probably a sexually transmitted disease and they are mostly highly contagious in nature. Usually, such infections take place through sexual activity with the infected partner like:

  • Vaginal penetration
  • Anal penetration
  • Oral sex

The symptoms of venereal disease are also stated to be much different from one specific disease to the other.

It is essential to understand that majority of such diseases need contagious bodily fluid exchanges to take place. There is however few exceptions like some disease for transmission might require only skin to skin contact.

Once the symptoms of this disease are suspected, the very first action to be undertaken will be to seek medical assistance to avail proper and thorough diagnosis. The presence of this disease along is sufficient to compel you to avoid having sexual relations, until your suspicious are eliminated or you get fully cured.

There are many who simply are not aware about the existence of different types of symptoms of this disease. The society today at large, does suffer from numerous venereal diseases.

Some common venereal diseases are as follows
  • Yeast infections
  • Genital Warts (HPV)
  • Genital herpes (HSV)
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis


AIDS: It is rather the immune system’s total breakdown, thereby exposing the body towards all types of viruses.

HPV (Genital Warts): Symptoms emerging may be pain experienced in the affected region to burning sensation, formation of warts surrounding or in the genital region, muscle aches, flesh lesions, etc.

HSV (Genital Herpes): Burning sensation or pain when urinating over infected region, pain experienced while having sexual intercourse, fever, backaches, muscle aches, sores and blisters.

Yeast infections: During sexual intercourse, there can be experienced burning sensation, vaginal discharge in the form of thick cottage cheese and intense itching sensation.

Syphilis: It often starts with a sore, is painless and often heals by itself. The person might experience flu kind of symptoms, which may come and get healed on its own. However, the infection is likely to remain. Then, the body is likely to experience slow immune system breakdown.

Hence, it can be stated that there are varied and numerous venereal disease symptoms. Few might appear similar. However, it is only by putting all the factors together that it is possible to determine correctly the correct venereal disease depending upon your specific venereal disease symptoms.

Get Venereal Diseases From Khokar Clinic

Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:16:01.
