Natural Ways To Overcome Irregular Periods

A woman’s menstrual cycle is a window for her reproductive health. The regular menstrual cycle can last for 28 days, but our body can’t work like a clock. We can experience irregularities or delayed periods once a while. Almost 30% of women have period irregularity in their childbearing years.

If periods are highly regular, it means our body undergoes severe hormonal imbalances. It can be normal to have some pain and discomfort while having periods. Irregular periods must be treated with caution since they might result from some other health complications.

Disturbed Menstrual Cycle Or Irregular Periods

The number of days between starting and stopping the period is different every month, then there is an irregular cycle. Here are the symptoms of irregular periods:

  • Bleeding when not in a natural periodic cycle
  • Periods after your menopause
  • Heavier and longer periods
  • Frequent periods more times in the 21 days
  • Less periods once in 35 days

Don’t worry if you have these symptoms. Irregular periods can be caused due to hormonal balance of improper diet and lifestyle. Let’s look from the ayurvedic perspective for menstrual health and cycle.

Ayurveda For Menstrual Health

Ayurveda has immense insight and knowledge for women’s reproductive system to overcome irregular periods. The menstrual cycle is a blessing as it gives the women’s body to renew and eliminate toxins.

As per Ayurveda, the menstrual cycle for every woman can be influenced by doshas like Kapha, Pitta and Vata. Understanding dominant doshas of the body, dietary and lifestyle changes can maintain the regular menstrual cycle.

Irregular Periods In Ayurveda

An ayurvedic sub-dosha of Vata is Apana Vata, governing the menstrual cycle. Located at the lower abdomen, it has a downward flow through the urinary tract, intestines and reproductive tracts.

According to Ayurveda, imbalance in specific dosha can cause irregular periods. Poor diet, stress, lack of physical exercise, long-time illness and over-exertion of medicines leads to imbalances of Apana Vata.

Irregular periods can be caused due to anaemia, ectopic pregnancy, thyroid, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and anorexia. Irregular periods are experienced at the onset of puberty and in the pre-menopause phase. In such conditions, you can find relief following an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle.

Use Of Ayurvedic Herbs For Periods Irregularity

  • Ashoka – the queen of herbs used for the female reproductive system. ‘Ashoka’ means ‘remover of sorrows’. Decoction prepared from the Ashoka tree’s bark treats irregular periods. Take 10 grams of Ashoka’s bark and boil in 2 cups of water and simmer down to one cup. Jaggery or honey can be added in the decoction to bring the taste.
  • Sandalwood – Decoction prepared from sandalwood leaves or roots treat irregular periods. Adding cow’s milk to the decoction and consuming daily brings effective results.
  • Hibiscus – Medicinal properties are present in Hibiscus flowers that can be beneficial to the reproductive system. Make hibiscus tea and consume it daily. This relaxing herbal tea serves as an ayurvedic tonic for irregular periods. Or fry two hibiscus flowers in ghee and consume them daily with warm milk.
  • Licorice – Mulethi licorice regulates the menstrual cycle if consumed with rice water. Or drink licorice tea of its roots.
  • Asafetida – Hing is good for the digestive system and it’s added for meal preparations in India. It stimulates the production of the female hormone progesterone to regulate the menstrual cycle and regularizes periods. Add asafetida in buttermilk and incorporate it into the diet.

The female body can be unique and beautiful. If aligned with a natural cycle through following a good diet and lifestyle, we can alleviate the hormonal imbalance problems. Ayurveda gives solutions to solve the root cause in irregular periods and to balance the health in better ways.

Ayurveda Approach for Female Fertility

Advanced Ayurveda Cell Detoxification and Regeneration treatment developed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar from the specialty branch of Ayurveda called as Rasayana, and Vajeekarana, can increase the Fertility levels by stimulating the follicle growth and improving the Ovulation so that each and every month there is a mature egg available for conception thereafter increasing the chances of pregnancy drastically,

Ayurveda treatment can also correct genetic defects in the matured egg and it can help older women to make better quality of eggs

So, believe in the 5000+ years old system of medication called AYURVEDA which can help you overcome all your fertility issues

Consult our specialist DR today,

Tags: Ayurveda Treatment for Uerine FibroidsAyurveda Treatment for Recurrent MiscarriageAyurveda Treatment for Tubal FactorAyurveda Treatment for AnovulationAyurveda Treatment for EndometriosisAyurveda Treatment for Ectopic PregnancyAyurveda Treatment for Ovarian ReserveAyurveda Treatment for Pelvic InflammatoryAyurveda Treatment for Infertility, Ayurveda Treatment for Female Infertility

Originally posted 2021-10-28 04:17:28.
