Male Genital Herpes (HSV): Are you suffering from this ailment?

In case, you are affected with male genital herpes, then you should immediately visit your doctor for consultation. You need to find out if you are really suffering from this ailment or is the issue faced simply a rash that has occurred in that particular area. If doctor diagnoses male genital herpes, then you should stop having any sexual relations with your partner until it is eliminated completely.

The reason is because, male genital herpes can be transmitted sexually. Be it vaginal, oral or anal sex, there is definitely a higher risk of your partner contracting this ailment. Therefore, during this period, you need to avoid having sex. Generally, it is after the initial few weeks of contracting the infection that genital herpes appears. But the chances of contracting this ailment is more if you engage in multiple sex partners as you might come across someone suffering from Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV).

HSV is termed to be another name given to male genital herpes. But they are of two different types, namely:

  • Type-1 HSV: It occurs in and around the nose and mouth.
  • Type-2 HSV: It takes place around genital region.

A good number of people these days are found to indulge in anal oral sex. Hence, both the HSV types are commonly found.

Few symptoms associated with male genital herpes

  • Pain while urinating (as urine passes over sores)
  • Blisters and sores occurring on genital region.

Other symptoms are also reported like the following:

  • Headaches
  • Back pain
  • Muscle aches
  • Burning pain
  • Flu type feeling
  • Fever
  • Penis discharge
  • Pressure in abdomen region
  • Swollen glands

Unfortunately even with today’s advanced medical technology and medications, there is still no proper cure available to treat genital herpes infection. However, few medications can be found that can help deal with different types of symptoms and issues associated with this ailment. Painkillers are often the most common solution availed to deal with symptoms experienced.

Some people in few cases might suffer from recurrent symptoms of male genital warts. It often occurs, if your body is not able to resist the herpes virus completely. There are other factors which may contribute towards contracting recurrent male genital herpes issues, which is ignoring the most vital rule, namely stopping having further sexual relations until completely cured.

The nature of the disease is as such that unfortunately, many are simply not even aware of having contracted it in the first place. At times, the symptoms faced might not be powerful enough to indicate occurring of male genital herpes. Hence, people are likely to mistake such symptoms to be from that of rash formation and not exactly from male genital herpes.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 09:58:55.
