Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Poor Libido in Women?

Women who are career oriented or who want to postpone progeny until both the partners are ready for it, use the birth control pills as a safe method to avoid conception. But, is this indeed a safer option? The birth control pills are supplementing your body with the lab-made estrogen, a female hormone. This may sometimes cause hormonal imbalance in women and may lead to unknown conditions. This hormone released in the body indicates your brain to stop ovulating, which is what happens if you are pregnant. The increase in estrogen levels in the body instructs the brain to stop the ovulation. Hence, women do not ovulate when on the pill.

Ovulation is sometimes indicated by a sudden increase in the sex drive in women. This is also responsible for causing mood swings in women. Hence, a missed ovulation may sometimes cause a lowered sex-drive in women.

A random study conducted over 8000 women observed that about 15% of them observed a lowered sex drive while 63% of the women did not observe any change. This variation is due to the fact that a chemical reaction occurs when you consume the artificially prepared hormones and the resultant hormonal mixture in the body may not be the same in every woman. This may be the reason that many of the women can tolerate the pill better. The lowered sex drive is not very prominently observed in a woman consuming the contraceptives, but if it becomes prevalent, consult an expert. It might be an indication for an underlying condition.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:54:55.
