Ayurveda Treatment for Low Sperm Count at Khokar Dispensary

Low sperm counts are a common problem that affects many men around the world. It can cause infertility, low self-esteem, and stress in relationships. There are many factors that can contribute to low sperm counts, such as lifestyle, diet, environmental toxins, hormonal imbalance, genetic disorders, infections, and medications.

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Fortunately, there is a natural and effective way to treat low sperm counts with Ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India and has been practised for thousands of years. Ayurveda believes that health and disease are influenced by the balance of three vital energies called doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. Each person has a unique constitution of these doshas, which determines their physical, mental, and emotional characteristics.

According to Ayurveda, low sperm count is mainly caused by an imbalance of vata dosha, which governs movement, circulation, and nervous system functions. Vata dosha can be aggravated by factors such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, excessive exercise, irregular eating habits, dry and cold weather, and the intake of spicy, bitter, or astringent foods.

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To balance vata dosha and increase sperm count, Ayurveda recommends following a healthy lifestyle and diet that are suitable for your constitution. Some general tips are:

Eat warm, nourishing, and moist foods that are rich in protein, healthy fats, antioxidants, zinc, selenium, and vitamin C. These include milk, ghee, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and spices like ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, and saffron.

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Avoid foods that are cold, dry, light, or hard to digest. These include raw salads, popcorn, crackers, chips,
frozen foods, carbonated drinks, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and processed foods.

Drink plenty of water and herbal teas throughout the day to keep hydrated and flush out toxins.

Practise regular meditation and yoga to calm your mind and body. Some beneficial yoga poses for low sperm count are sarvangasana (shoulder stand), halasana (plough pose), paschimottanasana (seated forward bend), bhujangasana (cobra pose), dhanurasana (bow pose), and shavasana (corpse pose).

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Massage your body with warm sesame oil or coconut oil every morning before taking a shower. This helps to stimulate blood circulation and relax your muscles.

Avoid excessive heat exposure to your genitals. Wear loose-fitting cotton underwear and avoid hot baths or saunas.

Get enough sleep and rest. Aim for at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep every night.

In addition to these lifestyle and dietary changes,

You can also benefit from taking some herbal remedies that are specially formulated for low sperm counts at Khokar Dispensary. Khokar Dispensary is a renowned Ayurvedic clinic that offers personalised treatment plans for various health issues. They have a team of experienced doctors who use authentic herbs and natural ingredients to prepare effective medicines.

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Some of the herbs that Khokar Dispensary uses for low sperm counts are:

Ashwagandha: This is a powerful adaptogen that helps to reduce stress. It enhance stamina and improve sexual performance. It also boosts testosterone levels and sperm quality.

Shatavari: This is a nourishing tonic that supports the reproductive system and balances hormones. It also increases semen volume and sperm motility.

Safed Musli: This is a potent aphrodisiac that increases libido, strength and vitality. It also improves erectile function and sperm count.

Gokshura: This is a diuretic herb that cleanses the urinary tract and prevents infections. It also enhances sexual desire and fertility.

These herbs are combined in optimal proportions and processed with milk to make a delicious drink that you can consume twice a day for best results.

By following these Ayurvedic tips and taking Khokar Dispensary’s herbal remedies, You can overcome a low sperm count and enjoy a happy and healthy sex life.

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