More about Combating Infertility

Around 2.7 crore couples in India are diagnosed annually with infertility issues. Increasing stress levels and changing lifestyle habits are considered to play catalysts to this impending issue and making it a commonly faced health condition among rural and urban population. Active treatment is sought by about 10 to 15% of the affected infertile couples in the country. But out of this, only 1% seeks IVF treatment. Couples in huge numbers are still not exactly aware of why they are facing infertility issues and they still are of the strong belief that it is the woman who faces such issue and the main problem for infertility. The very first IVF baby in the world was born on July 25, 1978, named Louis Brown. This day is currently celebrated as ‘World IVF Day’. Although in the last 41 years, IVF basics have not changed much since Louis Brown’s birth, great advancements have been made in the field of science, which has managed to transform ‘Assisted Reproductive Technology’ or ART domain. This is because of the new discovery of new practices, techniques and facts all of which has only contributed towards boosting 100% success rate.

The Director of Nova IVI Fertility, Dr. Manish Banker in his recent interview shared his view about the development of the IVF segment in India. According to him, advancements and sophistication made in technology has helped couples to enjoy greater access to various types of techniques to help combat infertility issues. But a major challenge that is yet to be solved is the strong belief of the woman partner being the person responsible for infertility. Surprisingly, many couples opting for the IVF procedure do not know that inability to naturally conceive lies in both female and male partners. In most of the cases, the male partner avoids getting evaluated for infertility or simple shies away. Hence, it is assumed that the male partner is not responsible for infertility.

Infertility issues among couples are accounted by males and females by about 40% to 50%. Therefore, couples facing infertility issues should come forward to derive appropriate assistance for both partners. Banker further stated that awareness can be created among couples desiring to have IVF treatment to be provided proper patient counseling. The IVF consultant should make sure that the patient is adequately informed about why this condition is being faced or what are the available treatment options. Counseling does contribute towards maintaining positive mental and emotional frame, deemed necessary during the treatment process, understanding clearly the sensitivity of this condition.

Infertility care units can offer comprehensive options for men, while women’s reproductive problems are dealt by ob-gyns. Male infertility might take pace due to severe medical condition or an infection, pelvic or testicular injury. Several treatment options are available ranging from IUI (direct injection of sperms into uterus region) to tablets and IVF-ICSI, which again depends upon cause & condition’s severity. Fortunately, advancements in science & technology has helped couples to choose the right option from wide range of techniques of Advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), considered to offer significant improvements in IVF success rates. Women can now postpone their pregnancy for medical and lifestyle reasons due to improvements made in cryopreservation techniques. They can simply freeze their eggs that are removed at earlier, healthier stage instead of the later stage, where egg quality becomes weaker. Then eggs that are carefully cyropreserved are thawed to be utilized in subsequent cycles. Thawed/frozen eggs show similar rates of IVF success like that of fresh eggs.

For Male Infertility Treatment and Female Infertility Treatment Visit Khokar Clinic

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:42:58.
