Are you a masturbation addict?

There are many who are found to have developed a special liking and addiction to masturbation. A good amount of time might be spent towards performing this activity, if it causes:

  • Missing out on crucial social events
  • Cancelling plans with family or friends
  • Missing out on attending school or work
  • Skipping daily activities or chores

Masturbation addiction will only harm existing relationships and other life related activities. Excessiveness will also lead to interruption of studies or work, thereby lowering down productivity.

Masturbation is also likely to hurt friendships and romantic relationships since you do not get to spend valuable time with your beloved ones like you used to do before or simply neglect them.

In case, you are worried about your addiction to masturbation, then it will be wise to consult a good counselor or doctor and get to know the different ways and means to reduce it drastically.

Addiction can also be managed with talk therapy. Masturbation can be replaced with other activities. If you develop the urge to masturbate, then you can try out the following:

  • Go out for a walk
  • Spend quality time with friends
  • Write in a journal
  • Go out for a run

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:59:35.
