Health Conditions to Rectify Before IVF

The younger face the common issues of infertility and also the upcoming generations. The procedures and treatment to treat infertility are emotionally draining processes.

Infertility is the most emotional crisis the couple undergo to cope up in their life. The couple begins the journey of IVF with the fertility struggles of the woman. There are five conditions to look into IVF and rectify with Ayurveda for better success rate.

The egg quality

While undergoing an IVF, you need to focus on the egg quality rather than the quantity. Ayurveda has the focus of healthy uterus and ovum of women or it’s reproductive tissue called as Shukra dhatu.


Endometrial receptivity is considered the key factor for the success of IVF. The volume, endometrial pattern and thickness are above 7mm to be accepted for IVF.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

The PCOS are the conditions of hormone imbalances that lead to irregular menstrual cycles who have anovulatory cycles.

Undiagnosed Infertility

Some couples suffer fertility problems and would remain undiagnosed after the investigation. This type of patient may benefit from Ayurveda therapies.

Fibroid or Endometriosis

Endometriosis or fibroid are the conditions that cause problems in the fertility rates and needs to get treated.

Ayurveda aids and gives hope with a better success rate with the procedures of IVF. The Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies for infertility increases the success of IVF.

Ayurvedic treatments before undergoing IVF

Ayurveda gives internal medications for a smooth and easy way of detoxing the body. This cleanses the body by focusing on the egg quality, hormonal imbalances and the endometrial lining of the uterus.

Destressing therapies and Ayurvedic massages

Most of the ayurvedic therapies cope up with stress. The infertility couple may undergo emotional stress, it’s good to keep the mind composed and calm. The therapies reduce stress hormone Cortisol and enhance the immunity levels.

Ayurvedic Medicines for fertility

The herbal medications for infertility increases the fertility and success rate of IVF using Ayurvedic medicines and therapies. Baby making can be emotionally draining and these aids enhance the success rates along with calming the mind and body.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:00:44.
