Managing Premature Ejaculation

PE or premature ejaculation is a common disorder affecting men nearing their 40s. A person is said to be suffering from PE if the frequency of ejaculation occurring before the climax of the partner is higher. That is, even if a man climaxes soon after penetration but both the partners are satisfied, there is no problem. Of the two types of ejaculation disorder, secondary PE is a common scenario affecting men. If one observes a dissatisfied sex life due to rapid ejaculation preceding the partner’s climax, it is best to seek professional help.

Although the condition is quite common, the causative factors are quite unclear. Factors like stress, muscular tension and intense arousal are to be blamed in cases of PE. A typical treatment will require therapy in combination with medication.

Some techniques like masturbating an hour prior to the actual intercourse and applying the squeeze stop method during the act help delay the ejaculation. Sometimes, having more than one sexual intercourse within few hours of the first is recommended. Even if the first encounter ends sooner, you may observe the second encounter will last longer. This is the most natural method used to manage the rapid ejaculation problem. Also, partner on top posture helps delay the ejaculation as it does not over stimulate the penis and cause you to reach climax sooner. Another technique is to insert two-third part of your penis during the act. Inserting it too deep causes over-stimulation and hence PE. If all the above-mentioned measures are of no help, seek professional counselling to tackle the problem.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:19:21.
