A Glance at Sexually Transmitted Diseases

With the world, awakening to sensual pleasures of sex, increase in STD cases, is a common trend. In fact, every nation has observed an increase in, cases suffering from, STD.

Here is a short description of common diseases that can affect, a person, living an active sex life, ignoring, protective measures. All STDs spread, through sexual transmission, via, anus or vagina. Even oral sex, can transmit, disease to a partner. Listed below are few common STD conditions.


This disease is most dangerous, as there is no medicine, which can cure it. It can be transmitted to a sexual partner, in semen, or in a vaginal discharge, to an infant, via breast milk. Infected blood entering a person’s system may also, cause this condition. However, it does not spread through, casual contact.

Genital warts 

This condition can spread through, oral or anal sex. Once infected, this virus tends to remain in their system forever, prompting, regular recurrences.


This STD is transmitted via bacteria, during unprotected, oral, anal or vaginal sex. In this disease, symptoms a hard to observe. Urine test, can reveal this condition.


It spreads through, oral, anal or vaginal sex. Symptoms include, painful intercourse, vaginal or penal discharges.


Syphilis Painless sores appear on genitals, vagina or rectum, which is followed by body rashes. If left untreated, it culminates, into a severe disorder, affecting, important organs like heart, eyes, and nervous system.


Viruses HSV1 and 2 are known to cause this condition, which, begins as genital sores. It spreads via contact.

Bacterial Vaginosis 

Bacterial Vaginosis Identified by, itching and inflamed, vagina, coupled with, smelly and grayish or white, discharge, and painful intercourse. Risks include, contracting HIV.


Hepatitis B, can spread, through oral and anal sex, or through blood, and affects, a person’s liver. Its long-term implications may become severe.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 10:44:45.
