Treating Premature Ovulation Failure induced Infertility

Premature ovulation failure commonly referred to as POF is a condition which causes early menopause symptoms in women. It may cause infertility and hence hinder the conception process. It is prominently observed in women below 40 years of age. The primary cause of this disorder is attributed to toxic accumulation in the body. This may be due to exposure to radiation therapies or normal toxic accumulation as a result of consumption of adulterated food.

In women with POF, the ovaries do not function normally, as a result of which the estrogen levels suffer causing missed ovulation and menstruation. In few cases, women with POF may have irregular menstruation but may be successful in conceiving a progeny. It is well-known that women suffering from POF are prone to conditions like the osteoporosis. Lowered estrogen levels due to malfunctioning ovaries and hence hormone secretion is the primary cause of infertility.

Symptoms that indicate POF

• Vaginal dryness is a symptom which is associated with menopause. When a woman under 40 is experiencing vaginal dryness, taking a diagnosis for POF is recommended.

• Hot flashes and night sweats are other menopause-related symptoms which, when occur before 40 must be diagnosed appropriately.

• Irregular or missed periods is another symptom which indicates hormone health imbalance. When the hormonal balance is lost, all the reproductive organs malfunction and hence cause infertility.

• Lowered sexual desire and irritability are few other general symptoms which may be observed along with one or all the above-mentioned symptoms.

Treatment at Khokar:

The cause of POF is believed to be toxic accumulation due to consumption of adulterated foods i.e., foods consisting of preservatives and additives. Toxins are found in every edible and cosmetic product available at the store. The Ayurveda begins every treatment with the flushing of the accumulated toxins following it up with vajeekarana shastra. At Khokar, the traditional method of cleansing the system of toxins is given for every person before the commencement of the actual treatment.

In not so severe cases, removal of toxins restores normalcy to a great extent. The vajeekarana shastra is then preceded by cell regeneration therapy where the cells of the reproductive organs are assimilated afresh from the toxic free nutrients consumed during the treatment process. The Dhatu nirmana krama is then followed up with the vajeekarana chikitsa if needed. The last line of treatment helps optimise the

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:35:36.
