Treating Syphilis at Khokar

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease which necessitates long-term treatment with conventional medicines. Also, the conventional medicines do not guarantee a complete cure. This disease is caused due to the bacteria by name Treponema Pallidum. This bacteria finds an entry into your system upon unprotected sexual contact with an infected person. This condition usually does not show significant symptoms until the bacteria have gained sufficient foothold in your system.

The symptoms like painless sores, unnoticed swelling of lymph nodes are usually ignored by men and women. Also, the diagnosis of this condition requires a blood test, making it difficult to judge in a regular diagnosis. Hence, a person should not ignore any kind of sores near the genital areas. Even when this condition does not show symptoms, the bacteria may be responsible for transmission of HIV to sexual partners.

Symptoms to Watch out for:
  • The appearance of painless sores surrounding the genital region should not be ignored at all.

  • A light swelling to the lymph nodes is also an early symptom of syphilis. Get a descriptive diagnosis to ascertain the absence of TPHA.

  • Even if the sores heal by themselves it is good to test for Syphilis bacteria.

  • Painless and non-itchy skin rash to hands and feet indicate the progress of syphilis bacteria into the secondary stage.

  • Weight loss, fatigue, headaches, fever and hair loss are few symptoms which develop along with rashes. Get a diagnosis at the earliest and begin the treatment, to prevent the infection progressing into the latent stages.

  • The latent stage may culminate into paralysis, dementia and other muscle coordination complications. This stage usually indicates the point of no return.

Treatment procedure for Syphilis:

The Cell Detoxification and Regeneration therapy approach at the Khokar dispensary works on the basis of Rasa Shastra which purifies the blood and tissues of a person and hence expels the infection-causing bacteria. The Ayurveda mentions this mode of treatment for chronic and adverse diseases. The Herbo mineral formula by Dr. Hameed is a mix of various Rasa and Rasayana Shastras used to overcome chronic and life-threatening infections like the Syphilis.

The vigorous cleansing is then followed up with nourishing Rasayana Chikitsa to help promote well being from basic cell and tissue level.

If necessary this treatment is then followed by Vajeekarana Shastra which focuses on improving the well being of reproductive organs and hence overcome infertility like condition in the couple.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:13:36.
