Male Infertility & Ayurveda Treatment

Infertility has been more common these days. Nearly 10% of couples face difficulty in conceiving. Male infertility is the inability to get child after one year of unprotected sex.

Vajikarana is the important branch in Ayurveda. As per Ayurveda, Retasa is the suited term for semen.

Causes Of Men’s Infertility

Based on ancient ayurvedic text, the infertility in men are due to Ativyavayat (indulge in sexual activities), Avyayamat (laziness), Vyayamat (excessive mental stress or physical exertion) and Asatmaya annam (intake of frozen, salted or spicy foods), lifestyle disorder and low nutrition diet can aggravate pitta and rakta dosha, affecting the quantity and quality of shukra dhatu.

Stress, fear, smoking, tight clothing, working in a hot environment and alcohol makes the male infertility causes. Normal male reproductive health results in the normal functioning of male reproductive system.

As per research, there is an increased number of male infertility due to stress, environmental pollution and lifestyle. Causes of men’s infertility arise due to unhealthy lifestyles.

Mental Stress

In stress, the adrenal hormones and autonomic nervous system are affected in the reproductive system of males. Research reveals that emotional stress can decrease testosterone levels and interfere with the formation of sperms.

High temperature in the scrotum

Testicular temperature is lesser than the body temperature and is ideal for sperm production. Increasing temperature in the testicular region can affect sperm formation. Wearing tight undergarments, fever and work environment leads to higher scrotal temperature.


Smoking contributes to erectile dysfunction.


Alcohol can decrease testosterone levels causing loss of libido and reduces the quantity and quality of sperms. It stops the liver from zinc absorption and reduces Vitamin A metabolism. Since vitamin A has an effective role in sperm development, alcohol intake affects the male’s reproductive health.

Male Infertility Symptoms

Check with a male fertility doctor if you have issues with low sperm count or undergoing any cancer treatment.

Types of Male Infertility

Appropriate doshas like vata, pitta and kaphas classified them as sannipataja shukra dushti, vataja shukra dushti, kaphaja shukra dushti and pittaja shukra dushti.

Male Infertility Test

Healthy semen (shukranu) are thick, liquid, sweet, heavy, viscous, unctuous, no foul smell, greyish white and their consistency is like sesame oil and honey.

Pathological conditions of infected semen are thin, dry, frothy, hyper viscous, discolored, pyospermia, low volume, non-liquefaction and smell like fecal or urine that has tissue components.

Modern medicines and technology can diagnose male infertility with semen analysis, general physical examination, hormone test, scrotal ultrasound, genetic testing, post ejaculation urinalysis, sperm function test, testicular biopsy and trans-rectal ultrasound.

Tags : Ayurveda Treatment for Low Sperm Count, Ayurveda Treatment for Male Infertility, Ayurveda Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction, Ayurveda Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

Originally posted 2021-12-02 04:09:27.
