Ayurvedic Treatment For Female Infertility

Women’s infertility is the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected sex. Women’s inability to carry pregnancy towards the full term is known as infertility in women.

Ayurveda recognizes a female’s reproductive system in a different manner. The pelvis of a woman is known as ‘shroni’ and nutrition and blood are supplied through 2 main ‘srotas’.

Rajovaha srota can supply nutrition and blood to the cervix, uterus and vagina. Artavaha srota supplies blood to the fallopian tube and ovary.

As per Ayurveda, conception arises from a healthy uterus, ovum and a healthy sperm. Shukra dhatu brings healthy reproductive systems in females and male. The healthy shukra dhatu is due to the health of other tissues in the body. Defects in the above causes infertility.

Female Infertility Symptoms

Women who try to conceive but are not getting pregnant can be known as female infertility factor.

Couples face infertility issues and their number increases worldwide. It is difficult to detect infertility in women but there are few hints to take into your attention.

  • Irregular menstrual cycle– normal cycle is only 28 days long. If the menstrual cycle lasts about 21 to 35 days but they are consistent, it can be considered as normal. Hormonal imbalances like PCOS or hyperprolactinemia cause irregular periods and have symptoms of infertility in women.
  • Painful and heavy menstruation happens due to endometriosis and infertility issues in approximately 40% of women.
  • Pain in sexual intercourse can happen due to pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis.
  • Loss of hair, weight gain, facial hair, headache and fatigue are the signs of hormonal disorder. Hormonal imbalances are also the infertility signs in women.

Main Causes Of Female Infertility

Menstrual cycle is the health indication of the female reproductive system. They are affected due to several factors like mental stress, diet, excess physical workout and lifestyle. Based on Ayurveda the main cause of female fertility are as follows:

Vata dosha is responsible for causing defects in eggs and leads to infertility. Vata gets imbalanced due to stress, fear, anxiety, fasting, trauma, eating light , cold-dry substances.

Pitta dosha causes scarring of fallopian tubes and stops the descent of ovum leading to infertility.

Thickened or blocked fallopian tubes, or uterine fibroids leads to aggravated ‘kapha dosha’ causing infertility.

Types Of Female Infertility

As per ancient ayurvedic texts, female infertility is due to three causes.

  • Vandhya- it is absolute sterility and non-curable
  • Apraja- possible for women to get pregnant and hence curable
  • Sapraja- women who are infertile after having one or more kids.

Female Infertility Tests

If a woman is unable to conceive for more than a year, she can undergo fertility tests to know the reason behind infertility. Fertility test can identify the cause and can be treated appropriately.

Female Infertility Tests Are

  • Complete medical assessment
  • Ultrasound of ovarian cysts and uterus
  • Hormone blood test to evaluate estradiol, follicle stimulating hormone and anti-Mullerian hormone.
  • Ovarian reserve test to find the count of eggs in ovaries.
  • Laparoscopy to evaluate endometriosis.
  • Hysteroscopy to see the fibroids and polyps of the uterus.
  • Sonohysterogram can diagnose uterine irregular growths and lesions.
  • Hysterosalpingogram to check women’s uterus and fallopian tubes.

You must consult the infertility specialist for treating the infertility.

Fertility Treatment For Women

Ayurveda for women’s infertility treatment can strengthen the body’s self healing and balance mechanism. The poor digestive system accumulates the toxins that give rise to all kinds of diseases. So the Agni must be treated with digestive spices and herbs, avoiding cold food and drinks and following a proper meal time.

Ayurveda Approach for Female Fertility

Advanced Ayurveda Cell Detoxification and Regeneration treatment developed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar from the specialty branch of Ayurveda called as Rasayana, and Vajeekarana, can increase the Fertility levels by stimulating the follicle growth and improving the Ovulation so that each and every month there is a mature egg available for conception thereafter increasing the chances of pregnancy drastically,

Ayurveda treatment can also correct pcos and  genetic defects in the matured egg and it can help older women to make better quality of eggs

So, believe in the 5000+ years old system of medication called AYURVEDA which can help you overcome all your fertility issues

Consult our specialist DR today,

Tags: Ayurveda Treatment for Uerine FibroidsAyurveda Treatment for Recurrent MiscarriageAyurveda Treatment for Tubal FactorAyurveda Treatment for AnovulationAyurveda Treatment for EndometriosisAyurveda Treatment for Ectopic PregnancyAyurveda Treatment for Ovarian ReserveAyurveda Treatment for Pelvic InflammatoryAyurveda Treatment for Infertility, Ayurveda Treatment for Female Infertility

Originally posted 2021-12-03 04:53:31.
