Low Sperm Count – Know its medical causes

There are several health issues that may be the reason for low sperm count to take place and fortunately there are present few medical treatments.

Varicocele: Referred to as (VAR-ih-koe-seel) is considered to be a swelling occurring in the veins which drains the testicle. This is cited to a common reversible cause for male infertility. Why this issue occurs is something that is still untraceable. This probably could be associated with abnormality in testicular temperature regulation. It causes sperm quality reduction.

Infection: Sperm health or sperm production may be interfered by few infections or scarring may cause blocking of sperm passage. It may cause sexually transmitted infections like HIV or gonorrhea and inflammation of testicles (orchitis) or epididymis (epididymitis). It is possible to retrieve those sperms which experience permanent testicular damage caused by infections.

Ejaculation issues: During orgasm, as semen enters bladder, rather than arising out of penis tip, there occurs retrograde ejaculation. Lack of ejaculation or retrograde ejaculation which also includes spinal injuries, diabetes, bladder, urethra or prostate surgery may result from different health conditions. Ejaculatory issues may take place on taking certain type of medications like blood pressure medications also referred to as alpha blockers. Few ejaculatory issues are permanent, while others can be reversed. With regards to permanent ejaculation issues, it is possible to retrieve directly the sperms from testicles.

Antibodies attacking sperm: Anti-sperm antibodies have been stated to be the immune cells which are identified mistakenly as invaders causing harm and hence, try to eliminate them.

Tumors: Male reproductive organs may be directly affected by non-malignant tumors and cancer, through hormone releasing glands related to reproduction like the pituitary gland or perhaps other unknown causes. Male fertility can also be affected by chemotherapy, radiation or surgery used to treat tumors.

Undescended testicles: One or probably both the testicles during fetal development may fail to lower down into the sac containing scrotum (testicles) from abdomen. Men facing such condition are more likely to experience reduced fertility.

Hormone imbalances: Hormones which are crucial for sperm creation are produced by testicles, pituitary and hypothalamus. Alterations made in systems like the adrenal and thyroid gland including hormones might impair production of sperms.

Defects in tubule which transports sperms: Sperms are carried by different tubes. There are numerous reasons for its blockage like prior infections inadvertent injury caused during surgery, abnormal development or trauma, inherited conditions or cystic fibrosis. At any level, there may occur blockage within the tubes and testicle, which drains the testicle, in vas deferens close to ejaculatory ducts, in epididymis or the urethra.

Defects in Chromosome: Male reproductive organs may experience abnormal development due to Klinefelter’s syndrome, which is an inherited disorder, where 2 X chromosomes and 1 Y chromosome is found in the male rather than single X & Y. Infertility is also caused by other genetic syndrome like Kartagener’s syndrome, Kallmann’s syndrome and cystic fibrosis.

Celiac disease: Sensitivity towards gluten may cause digestive disorder known as celiac disease, which in turn causes male infertility. Availing gluten-free diet can help improve fertility.

Specific medications: Male fertility is reduced and sperm production impaired due to certain medications, few ulcer medications, several antibiotic and antifungal medications, chemotherapy (cancer medications), long term usage of anabolic steroid and Testosterone replacement therapy.

Prior surgeries: There are few surgeries that might discourage sperm in ejaculation, including inguinal hernia repairs, vasectomy, prostate surgeries, testicular or scrotal surgeries, large abdominal surgeries to teat rectal and testicular cancers, etc. Surgery, in majority of the cases is performed for direct retrieval of sperm from testicles and epididymis or to reverse the blockages.

Treatment: Low Sperm Count Treatment

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:57:18.
