Knowing Infertility Causes In Women And Men

If on home pregnancy test, receiving negative results can be a tough moment. Televisions showing mother of dozens again becoming pregnant and teens getting pregnant easily, you could be of the opinion that getting pregnant is easier than thought. Negative test results could probably be a sign of poor intercourse planning or an indication of any of you suffering from infertility of different types.

Understanding some infertility causes in women and men:

Male fertility

The common assumption is that females are affected more with infertility and to be blamed for not getting pregnant. Doctors traditionally believe that younger couples not having child for more than a year are infertile including those over 35. Still, health problems of women are stated to the reason.

The truth is that male partner comprises half of infertility population in the U.S. Several factors cause male infertility. They are to produce sufficient healthy sperms of correct shape for impregnating the partner. If not done, then he is suffering from infertility. Exposure towards x-rays, heavy metals, wrong lifestyle, etc. can cause infertility in males.

Female infertility

Women facing infertility problems have plenty of options to start a family, especially with fertility and VF treatments introduced. Infertility causes could vary. Generally, women suffer from damaged fallopian tubes, ovulation disorders, etc., leading towards infertility.

Menstrual cycle is the other sign for infertility. But longer or shorter cycle does not necessarily indicate female infertility. However, those having shorter cycles longer over five weeks and less than three weeks may suffer from infertility.

Medical professionals can now help treat infertility problems in both women and men.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 10:31:15.
