Home Remedies for STD from the Kitchen

The sexually transmitted diseases are caused when the immune system of a person is compromised. A natural way to overcome these infections is to consume foods which boost the immune system.

Consuming yoghurt for STD

Lactic acid present in the yoghurt is known to consist of probiotic organisms which help in the growth of the good bacteria and hence, bring about an equilibrium in the bacteria growth. In general, an infection is said to have occurred when the bad bacteria growth is unchecked. Consuming yoghurt regularly helps in maintaining the good bacteria population which in turn checks the growth of bad bacteria. This also helps in easy digestion and makes you stronger for fighting any condition.

Also, avoid processed foods and sugar which weaken the body immunity. A balanced meal plan helps to overcome the disease quickly. Consuming foods which have high fibre content helps strengthen your immunity and give it a boost.

Listed below are few useful things from the kitchen which help in overcoming STDs like genital warts and genital herpes.

Using Ice

Ice is not a home remedy to be precise, but using ice packs help one control the itch and let the medicines do the work. The unbearable itch or pain is easy to handle when one applies an ice pack to the sore area. Generally, this remedy has no side effects unless and until a person has sensitive skin in which case, the skin tissues may get damaged.

Cornstarch or Baking Soda

These are helpful in curing the sores which are a common thing during genital herpes or syphilis infection. The itch and inflammation are reduced considerably on the application of the baking soda or the cornstarch.

Tea bag application

The tannic acid in tea helps provide relief to the genital area during an infection. Use a cooled tea bag brewed for black tea without any additives like milk and sugar. Place the tea bag over the infected area around the genitals and discard it after few minutes. This remedy helps control the inflammation observed in genital herpes or genital warts.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has astringent properties and hence can be used to soothe painful warts during a genital warts infection. One may use a concentrated lemon juice or a diluted concoction of lemon juice depending upon the skin sensitivity. Apply the lemon juice using a cotton ball to the affected area to get relief from the pain.

Read More Visit : www.khokardispensary.com

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 09:30:03.
