Is Ayurveda an Answer to The Syphilis

In the terms of Ayurveda, a sexually transmitted disease like the Syphilis is called as the Upadamsha. The Ayurveda consists of elaborate content on the ways by which this disease is caused. In today’s world where people are always searching greener pastures for sexual satisfaction, sexually transmitted diseases are rampant.

The Ayurveda classifies the upadamsha into five types. Basically, the imbalance of Vata, Pitta, Kapha are used to classify a disease. For syphilis, the imbalances are classified into Vataja Upadamsha, Pittaja Upadamsha, Kaphaja Upadamsha, Sannipathaja Upadamsha and the Raktaja Upadamsha.

Depending on the discolouration of the skin or sensation to the skin the upadamsha is categorised accordingly. For example, in case of pittaja upadamsha, there is visible yellow discolouration, discharge with lesions and numbness. The STD caused due to kaphaja upadamsha is identified due to the itching sensation, oedema, along with large infected areas of lesions and discharge.

Only a learned and an experienced Ayurvedic expert will be able to identify the type of the upadamsha causing syphilis and prescribe the right herb supplement to nullify the imbalance or the dosha. Most herbal supplements work towards purifying the blood beside detoxifying your body through various methods. It is always best to seek expert help when one is consuming herbal medications. The herbs have potent ability to cure when given in right doses and for the required duration. This dosage and duration advice is best when given by an expert.

The most common herb suggested for treatment of sexually transmitted infections like the syphilis is the Neem. This is a highly potent herb which strengthens your immune system and helps ward away infections. Having said that it is not good to consume Neem or Neem extracts or supplements without expert consultation. This herb when taken in high doses may cause heat related imbalances which may be mistaken for another disease.

The general dosage instructions provided with the medicines are in a strict sense general and not given after studying your body tendencies. Hence, it is always best to know your body type before consuming any herbal supplement or medicine. For example, the pitta body type people may have problems when they consume heat causing medication like the Neem. An ayurvedic expert will evaluate your body type from your prior disease conditions and prescribe medicines which retain the Vata-Pitta-Kapha balance in your body. It is important to seek expert guidance when it comes to consuming herbal medications. Consulting an experienced and learned expert in this field is an important necessity.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:01:48.
