Common Venereal Diseases

Venereal diseases are usually transmitted via sex and may lead to severe complications when one does not recognize, early signs. Listed below are few venereal diseases and their symptoms to watch out for. It is observed that, many conditions when treated with wrong antibiotics may complicate it, which is why Ayurveda is the best way to treat all kinds of venereal diseases.


Symptoms : In men, there is urge to urinate, which is combined with itchy urethra and burning sensation during urination and ejaculation. In women, the symptoms other than itchy urethra and burning sensation, include painful intercourse, painful lower abdomen, which may sometimes be confused with urinary tract infection. Complications in pregnant woman may include infant being affected with this condition.


This condition spreads via, anal vaginal and, oral sex. Sores indicating syphilis are observed on penis, anus, vagina, and rectum.

Symptoms : This condition begins with appearance of painless sores, which advances into red/brown colored skin rashes, near mouth vagina and anus. Symptoms in second stage include, hair loss, loss of appetite, weigh loss, aches and fevers, and swelling of lymph glands. In advanced stage, it causes dementia, paralysis and difficulty in muscle coordination.

Genital warts 

It is most common type of STD and is known to be contagious. Warts look like, small bumps in same color as flesh and is caused by a virus strand of HPV. This virus spreads via contact and is often found to occur in clusters.

Symptoms : In women, cluster of warts appear near vagina, anus, cervix, and in men they are observed on penis. Warts may or may not bleed or itch, but are observed to cause discomfort in both men and women. This condition is diagnosed correctly by specified tests, to ascertain the same.


It is a bacterial infection caused by Chlamydia Trachomatis, which shows no signs or symptoms soon after sexual contact. Any form of sex, transmits this bacteria into urinary tract and is known to cause pelvic inflammatory disease. In women the complications tends to affect pregnancy while in men it may cause epididymitis and prostatitis.

Symptoms : In women, painful intercourse and urination, vaginal bleeding, painful abdomen, fever and frequent urination are the observed after many months of infection. While in men, symptoms include, discharge from penis, swollen testicles and fever.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:03:46.
