How Sperm Gets Affected By Smoking?

Your fertility might be affected negatively by smoking. Smoking is definitely injurious to health, as well as for sexual health. Both genders are affected equally as it decreases their fertility. Moreover, it is associated with increased risks of contracting health issues and ailments like heart disease, cancers and others. Toxins present in cigarettes do harm your lungs, along with the whole body, including reproductive system. Smoking is also linked to poor sperm morphology, reduced sperm motility and reduced sperm count.

How smoking affects sperm? Decreased motility (how it swims), reduced sperm count, abnormally shaped sperm along with enhanced sperm DMA damage is noticed in men who smoke. Given below is a description:

Sperm motility

It is sperm’s swimming ability. If sperm is not able to swim properly, then reaching egg to fertilize it can be difficult. People who smoke do face 13% reduced sperm motility.

Sperm count

It is number of sperms present in semen’s measured quantity. Men who smoke face 23% reduction in sperm count.

Sperm DNA

Studies have revealed that men’s sperm, especially of smokers have more DNA fragmentation. Sperm that is DNA damaged leads to issues with fertilization, embryo implantation, embryo development and miscarriage rates. Men smokers also face non-standard hormone levels, thereby affecting fertility.

Sperm morphology

It signifies the sperm’s shape. The sperms that are oddly shaped may fail to swim correctly towards reaching the egg, thus not being in a condition for egg fertilization. Excessive smoking tends to affect negatively healthy shaped sperm.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:25:10.
