Varicocele – Busting the Myth

Is Varicocele a disease?

Varicocele is a disorder affecting the male reproductive organ. The veins in the scrotum enlarge and affect the blood flow to the testicles. Normally, the blood flows to the testicles from a network of veins that are channelled to a bigger longer vein travelling through your abdomen, towards the heart. Valves in this larger vein prevent the reverse flow of blood into the testicles.

What happens in Varicocele?

The valves which are meant to block the reverse blood flow to the testicles sometimes malfunction and cause the tiny veins to enlarge around the testicle. The scrotum consists of a network of veins working in tandem in a normal person. In a person with varicocele condition, this network becomes tangled and enlarged causing pain in the region.

This condition is commonly found in men belonging to the age group of 20 to 30. The recent study observes that on an average 10% of the male population suffers from this condition.

Pain in the scrotum with visibly enlarged veins is a demarcating symptom of this condition. Get in touch with a physician if you observe any of the symptoms.

Treatment: Male Infertility Treatment

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:37:35.
