Is my lack of interest in sex normal?

If your lack of interest in sex makes you sad, angry, or even embarrassed, you’re not alone. About 43% of women and 31% of men say they have had difficulties with sexual dysfunction, like decreased sexual drive. Low-sex driving can happen to anyone, no matter how old or young they are. Luckily, it can be treated.

At The Well for Health, we treat various kinds of sexual problems, but mainly decreased sexual drive. We can figure out why you don’t want to have sex and help you find a treatment plan that will bring passion back into your life.

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An overview of low libido

Your libido, which is the same thing as your sexual desire, is mostly controlled by hormones. Oestrogen and progesterone are two of the most important sex hormones for women. Women also make a small amount of testosterone. Testosterone is the most important sex hormone for men. No matter what gender you are, though, testosterone is what makes both men and women want to have sex, and changes in your hormones can have a big effect on your desire to have sex.

Both men and women can be affected by changes in libido in ways that are both the same and different. Getting to the bottom of why your libido is low will help us treat you better and get you back to a more enjoyable life.

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Libido changes in women

Women have significantly less testosterone than men, so they are much less likely to want to have sex to begin with. But there are a number of other things that could make you not be in the mood, such as:

You’re stressed out.

If you’re stressed out, you might not want to think about sex. Men frequently feel better after having sex, but this isn’t necessarily true for women. Try writing down what’s bothering you or finding alternative ways to deal with stress so you can make time for intimacy.

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You’re taking birth control

We said that women have a modest quantity of testosterone, which is the hormone that makes people want to have sex. When you use a hormonal birth control pill, the level of testosterone in your body goes down.

The pill also stops ovulation, which is the time of a woman’s monthly cycle when she is most likely to feel like having sex. If you feel like you don’t want to have sex, talk to us about birth control. Low libido in women can also be caused by being pregnant.

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You’re feeling pain

Sometimes sex just doesn’t feel pleasant, which is why you wince when you hear the word. Don’t use sex to forget about pain. You could just be dry and need lubrication, or you could have an STD or endometriosis. If you’re having painful sex, call us right away.

Libido changes in men

If you’re a man and you don’t have much of a sex drive, it could be because:

Your testosterone levels are low

A decreased libido in males is most often caused by insufficient testosterone. Low testosterone levels can be caused by several things, like an injury to your testicles, hormonal problems, testicular cancer, an infection, or a long-term illness. Hormone replacement therapy is a simple way to treat low testosterone because it replaces the testosterone that has been lost.

You’re exercising too little

If you’ve been sitting on the sofa for a long time with little to no physical activity, you may have health concerns including obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or Type 2 diabetes, all of which can influence your sexual drive.

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You’re getting older

Your testosterone level goes down as you get older. When you’re a teenager, your testosterone is at its maximum. When you’re an adult, it starts to go down.

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Libido changes in both men and women

Changes in hormones are not necessarily the cause of a reduced libido. If you’re weary or not emotionally or physically at your best, you might not want to be intimate. Drugs and alcohol can also make you less interested in getting close to someone. And if you’ve been together for a long time, you may have lost some of your desire.

No matter what is making you not want to have sex, you can always go back to a passionate life. Our highly qualified experts can examine you for hormone deficits, psychological variables, and underlying medical illnesses and suggest modifications to your lifestyle to treat libido problems.

Don’t waste another day with nothing to do. Let us help you get that fire going again. To find out more, make an appointment with Khokar online or over the phone.

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Originally posted 2023-05-10 11:25:53.
