Ayurveda Treatment to cure Sexual weakness caused by Excessive Nightfall

As you reach your puberty stage, you are likely to experience wet dreams or nightfall, which is quite common among everyone. However, if it is experienced frequently, then you might feel sexually weak and require immediate treatment. Otherwise, your overall sexual health is likely to be hampered. Semen production is considered to be an ongoing process. Your body discharges old semen and produces new ones. Among young boys & men, semen is discharged through nightfall or wet dreams. According to health experts, masturbation or lovemaking is good for your health when carried out 2 to 3 times in a week. This is because, extra strain upon the sexual organs and glands is avoided including toxin accumulation caused by blocked semen. However, if the discharge experienced is found to cross the average healthy number, moving beyond your body’s tolerance limit, then you are bound to experience sexual weakness.

Symptoms noticed due to excess nightfall

Some symptoms may be noticed that could possibly be warning signals that you need to understand. You need to start immediate treatment of the issue to avoid aggravation. Symptoms faced can be hair loss, fatigue, thinning of hair, regular cramps faced in pelvic cavity, thinning of the urine stream, pain in testicles, lower back pain, etc. Excessive nightfall is likely to promote or initiate few sexual weaknesses such as weak erections, premature ejaculation, semen discharge in urine, lack of erection, pain felt when urinating and pain in male organ.


Excessive nightfall is caused due to the following reasons:
  • Disorders associated with the liver
  • Prostatitis
  • Weak parasympathetic nerve
  • Weak nervous system
  • Frequent ejaculation
  • Weak PC muscles
  • Infrequent ejaculation
  • Poor techniques caused by prolong sexual act
  • Arousals without ejaculation
  • Sexual thoughts
  • Sexual fantasies
  • Watching sexy movies and pictures
  • Reading erotic literature, etc.

Excess nightfall tends to suggest weak physical system, hormonal imbalance and irritation caused in the internal organs.


If you experience excessive nightfall frequently, then you need to get the issue treated before it aggravates your health. You can opt for Ayurvedic treatment methods which are completely safe & does not come with any side effects. These alternative medicines are being practiced for thousands of years and providing the best results. Since they are sourced naturally, you do not have to worry about anything. Simply follow what your Ayurvedic practitioner suggests you to do.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 02:15:58.
