5 useful penis skin care tips

It is important for men to take care of their skin to appear healthy and youthful. Taking care of your penis skin will ensure it being impressive, inviting and manly.

5 basic penis skin care tips to follow

Practice moderation: These days men feel comfortable in using sex toys. You may be using a silicon or plastic based faux vagina or vibrator to masturbate and there is nothing wrong in it. But do remember to practice in moderation and not overdo it. Otherwise excessive usage will cause your penis skin to experience rawness. This occurs if you use one whose lubrication is exhausted and has not been replaced.

Food: A good number of couples prefer to incorporate food products and food to enhance their sex play. Food & sex goes side by side and offers nourishment. It can be harmless. However, you need to consider some skin care issues, especially your penis skin. Wash away food traces after completion of sex play. In case, food particles are trapped in the foreskin, then it may create door and skin issues.

Socks: After masturbation, some men simply leave their ejaculation as it is and others wipe off with whatever they get hold of. Using tissue or towel is fine. But used socks are not advisable. These are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria as well as athlete’s foot fungus. The fungus only gets transmitted to the penis through the socks, thus causing jock itch.

Being natural: Many couples or individuals may prefer to be nude and influenced by nudism. But this also requires you to gain knowledge on the dangers that the penis skin may be exposed to. Few things should be avoided like poison oak and poison ivy. There may be everyday pollen scattered around in the house that might develop wanted issues in the penis skin. Common weeds such as milkweed or ragweed might cause eruption. Hence, it becomes important to know about the plants in the surrounding and avoid physical contact.

Skin cream & oil: There are available cream & oil that can be applied on the penis skin. You can consult your physician to get some recommendations. Always choose a product that is safe and mild for your penis skin. You can choose a cream that contains natural hydrating agent like Vitamin E and high end emollient like shea butter. This will ensure that your penis skin is well moisturized.

Therefore, following the above tips will help you to ensure taking proper care of your penis skin.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 02:00:39.
