Facts about Diet and Exercise

Losing weight can be called the most herculean task that a man/woman pursues in his/her lifetime. Every person at some point in life, will have tried hard to lose weight. To women, its not the pressure to look good, but its the health that needs maintaining, as obesity links itself with hormonal imbalances. Imbalances in a body can be called the root cause to every known ailment. Our body tries to mend this imbalance with a mechanism of its own. This mechanism is different in each person and hence, that explains why few need medical interference while few can manage things without medical help. All the same, Ayurveda holds answers to, all diseases that arise due to imbalances in one’s body and mind. Here are few myths, mistakes and tips that a person, aiming to lose weight to should avoid or follow accordingly.

Say no diet pills 

Diet pills are really bad for your body. This is so because every body has different metabolic rate and a diet pill does not customize itself to a body.

Chew slowly to eat right amount naturally 

Our lifestyle does not let us eat at leisure, but when one is aiming to lose weight, and in a natural manner, the best way to start is, chew the food slowly(as many as 20 times). So, as soon as the stomach is full, the signal to stop, reaches at right time. This procedure puts a halt to the unnoticed overeating.

Exercise is a must 

Exercising our body is a great way to work out the muscles and give them strength, besides burning the fat calories. Exercising right, increases one’s metabolic rate and helps in overall well being of our body. One should always begin simple, but make sure to climb higher levels of work out gradually, and attain maximum body efficiency. This is where a trainer or supervision may become necessary.

Dieting does not mean starving oneself 

Dieting word brings about images of self starving people who maintain extreme self control, when presented with food carrying higher calories. While it is important to, maintain ideal calorie consumption, one need not, eat less than required amount. For men, 1500 calories and women, 1200 calories is the minimal requirement. When under supervision of a trainer, a customized diet chart requirements may differ from this value, because the above mentioned requirement is a general figure which does not take, body metabolism into consideration.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 07:35:37.
