Watching Porns With The Partner: Know The Major Pros & Cons

These days, it has become common for watching porn with the partner. Researches conducted have revealed that around 96% of couples do watch porns together and feel excited about it. Watching porns also affects their desires, the impact of which can be positive or negative, depending upon the individual. Hence, fact is that watching porns do come with its own Pros & Cons.


Knowing other partner’s sexual preference: Schools offers children with theoretical based sex education. However, when practicality is concerned, porns do act as excellent source to provide them with useful knowledge. They can understand their sexual preferences, thus helping them to bring out their hidden kinky and wild desires. Porns also allow both the partners to open up and get rid of shyness. Besides understanding their own preferences, they also get to know their partner’s desires. Thus, watching porn does allow the couple to enjoy a healthy, happy and satisfied sexual life.

Develops faith in relationship: In any relationship, physical attraction is of utmost importance to boost, nurture and strengthen this relationship. Partners watching porn together can get to know each other’s preferences including their own, thus enjoying healthy relationship. Being happy with their sexual life, they do not have to seek satisfaction elsewhere outside their relationship. Porn also helps to enhance physical attraction towards one another.

Helps achieve something interesting & new: At times, couples may get bored performing intercourse in same method and position. Watching porn does allow them to find out new ways and means to spice up their sexual life and to maintain better interest towards one another. Both partners are to try out new, innovative ways and techniques to lead an interesting, healthy sexual life.


The truth is that anything that is in excess can cause harm and watching porn is not excluded from it. Apart from providing positive effects, excess watching may only cause unwanted negative effects.

Sets wrong expectations far from reality: Whatever is viewed might not be possible practically. Porns tend to display only the beauty part of sexual life and not actual reality. It does increase the partner’s expectations in bed, something not practically or permissible in real life. The fact is that every person has different interests, opinions, abilities and requirements. Therefore, whatever is viewed in porn might not necessarily be applicable in real life.

Getting addicted to viewing lots of porn: Experts state that excess watching is not good for health and the person is likely to get addicted to it. He gets separated from the real world. It also affects him/her mentally and not be in a position to focus on the main aspects of life, thus ruining career and relationship. Moreover, porn addiction also affects negatively social life.

Sexual desires affected: Watching porn excessively might reduce the individual’s sexual desires. Watching them on a regular basis may only make it boring with time, thereby diminishing visual appeal. Excess watching also makes you lazy sexually, since you experience sharp decline in your interests.

Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:20:40.
