How to Treat Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation is due to an uncontrolled ejaculation shortly after sexual penetration, or with minimal sexual stimulation just before the person desires. This causes unsatisfactory sexual experience for both of them. It increases anxiety leading to the problem.

Premature ejaculation is the male sexual dysfunction that affects every man at certain point of his life. Aging is not the cause of Premature Ejaculation. But the aging process can change the erectile function and ejaculation. The premature ejaculation can be the problem in men having erectile dysfunction.

Premature ejaculation is also said to be premature climax, rapid ejaculation, and early ejaculation.

There are two phases of Ejaculation:

Phase I: Emission

Vas deferens contracts to squeeze the sperm to the base of penis through a prostate gland. Seminal vesicles can release the secretions to combine with sperm to make semen. During this stage, the ejaculation is unstoppable.

Phase II: Ejaculation

Muscles of the penis contract to force semen out of the penis, as the bladder neck contracts. Orgasm occurs without delivering the semen from the penis. The erections get lost followed by ejaculation.

Causes Of Premature Ejaculation

There’s not a clear cause of premature ejaculation. Though the exact cause of premature ejaculation remains unknown, studies show that serotonin, the substance produced by nerves, is very important. The breaking down of the serotonin action in the brain can be a cause.

Studies show that elevated amounts of serotonin in the brain slows the ejaculation time, while low serotonin levels produce premature ejaculation.

With age and sexual experience, men can delay orgasm. The premature ejaculation can happen with a new partner, in certain sexual situations, or because of the long time since his last ejaculation.

Psychological factors is another reason for premature ejaculation. Temporary depression, stress, sexual repression, lack of confidence, and unrealistic expectations can lead to premature ejaculation.

Lack of communication, unresolved conflicts, or hurt feelings between partners causes premature ejaculation, which interfere with the emotional intimacy.

In a few cases, premature ejaculation is related to injury, hormonal problems, infections in urethra or prostate or inflammation, nerve damages or side effects of medicines.

Symptoms Of Premature Ejaculation

  • Uncontrolled ejaculation in intercourse
  • Minimal sexual stimulation

Diagnosis Of Premature Ejaculation

  • Detail sexual history from patients with ejaculatory complaints.
  • Nature and frequency of sexual activity like masturbation, intercourse, foreplay, and so on.

Ayurvedic Management For Premature Ejaculation

As per the philosophy of Ayurveda, premature ejaculation happens due to aggravated Vata. The gatatva concept of vata considers ejaculatory as seminal impairments known as Shukravritavata or Shukragatavata.

Charaka has top class treatments to cure premature ejaculation based on the texts of Ayurveda. People get cured even with oral medications, while others require Panchakarma therapies.

Therapies which are Virechanam, Abhyanga swedam, Snehapama, Pizhichil, Elakizhi, Vasti, Navara and Uttara vasti treatments can be done.

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Tags: Ayurveda Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction, Ayurveda Treatment for Reduced Libido SexdriveAyurveda Treatment for Premature Ejaculation,

Originally posted 2022-02-10 05:34:34.
