Female Infertility: Excess stress makes Indian women suffer to conceive

Although India’s population is burgeoning, Indian women are noticed to struggle to conceive. There is increasing infertility issues in the country with 10% to 15% couples combating infertility.

Reasons behind infertility

Female infertility is the ability to hold fetus within the womb or inability in conceiving a child. Physical and emotional causes are cited for this problem with others cited to be damage to uterus or fallopian tubes, problems with cervix and complications with ovulation. Increasing age decreases natural pregnancy probability in the woman. Eating disorder, hormonal imbalance, caffeine, alcohol, stress and obesity are other factors.


Extreme levels may lower chances of conception in women than men. Women experience higher stress levels and hence, 13% likely to conceive less, as stress is related to increased irregularity of menstrual cycles.


Increasing caffeine consumption can decease pregnancy chances. Eggs are carried to uterus by muscle contractions in tube walls. Contractions are prevented with excess caffeine intake and more time is taken to conceive.

Workouts to assist in conceiving

Exercises can help overcome previous disappointments, improves chances of conception, ensure safe labor and pregnancy. Healthy lifestyle and physical fitness does play a great role and does help to rejuvenate body energy and stamina level.

Brisk walking

A wonderful cardiovascular exercise is better done at reasonable pace. It does help t tone the tummy, back and legs. Focus should be on the body’s lower part to reduce fat and improve conception chances.


Dancing can be termed to be a whole body workout regimen and can develop strength and stamina. On major reason for women to fail in conceiving is physical fatigue.


It is the most preferred and safest exercise before & during pregnancy as it helps to reduce stress and develop endurance level, while recharging the body.


This cardiovascular exercise maintains cholesterol levels and reduces conditions like Type 2 diabetes.


Breathing techniques and meditation can help reduce anxiety and make the mind and the body calm and relaxed. Fertility yoga can strengthen muscles and reproductive organs used during childbirth and pregnancy. Deep breathing technique reduces stress, increases blood circulation and synchronizes the mind, body and soul.

Strength training

It helps develop strength, stamina and reduce insulin resistance.

Avoid going overboard

Body fat is present in lower levels in extremely athletic women. But they also experience irregular ovulation and menstrual cycle disturbances cited to decrease fertility. Women exercising regularly and exhausting themselves face increased infertility risks because of reduced thyroid hormone activities and increased cortisol levels. Fortunately, such issues can be reversed with increased body fat and reduced activities.

Treatment: Female Infertility

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:20:19.
