Specific Advice to Support Your Menstruation Cycle

While the earlier topic focused on how to ensure the balance of Kapha levels in your system by removing excess Kapha in your system, here you will find advice specifically supportive for your menstruation cycle. Despite the various imbalances that show up from month to month, this advice applies to all women. I encourage you to follow a few or all of these simple steps according to your convenience.

Make your own menstrual calendar. Note down the things like dates when it starts and when it ends, what the flow is like (any days of spotting, when you start a full flow, how many pads you use during your periods). Also note whether you have any symptoms before, during, and after. By keeping a journal or calendar, you also begin to figure out the pattern of what a “normal” cycle is for you.

Slow down during the menstrual cycle. Take a twenty-minute break at the end of your day. In this time do nothing but breathe, become aware of your body and its subtle changes. Look back and check if you can correlate changes in your schedule or anything that was particularly impactful from the month before with the fluctuation in the flow.
Check-in on your digestion. How is your appetite? Any changes in your appetite? How well do you digest your meals? Any changes there? Paying attention to how your digestion is working can teach you a lot! The nature and health of your cycle is not only affected by the strength of your digestion and accumulated toxins in your body but also your doshas.

Focus on balance of doshas. We are trying to balance Kapha dosha here. Also, check-in on your health regularly to see if you have imbalances from other doshas like pitta or Vata showing up. (Take the Ayurvedic Profile™ quiz to determine which dosha is out of balance)

Tune your current attitude. How do you feel about your menstrual cycle? Are you afraid of it or do you feel resentment? Are you able to appreciate what it is communicating to you? If you feel that you have difficulty in embracing your cycle, think about it and find a way like pampering yourself, so that you can develop a new and more positive approach when you can look forward to it.

Stick with it! It takes time to set right and optimise all the systems of the body and mind. Bottom line is—do not give up. You have to strengthen your digestion, balance the doshas and cleanse toxins. You can always meet up and consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for more help and personalized advice.

If you found this interesting, do read the Guide to a Healthy Menstrual Cycle, which has a lot more information on this. Keep reading.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:35:32.
