Ayurvedic Remedies to Boost Sex Drive

Reduced sex drive can be a result of many psychological and physical causes. This condition may ruin a person’s relationship, more so, if both the partners are experiencing poor sex drive. Eventually this affects confidence and self esteem of either partners. A natural option to treat such a condition is Ayurveda. Herbs being organic, treat the root cause of this ailment. These herbs are known to give relief to poor libido among men and/or women. In addition to including these herbs, knowing reasons that can cause, deficient sex drive may also be of great help.


Physical fatigue and stress are major causes of lack of interest in sex. There may be medical or psychological reasons that can cause this condition. Medical conditions affecting sex drive include, hormonal imbalance, conditions affecting reproductive system in women. Other physical reasons causing this condition include, trauma, injury, accident related trauma, etc. It is common in women, post delivery.


Although it is good to seek medical help, you may want to make few changes in lifestyle and pin point the reasons of poor libido. With help of Ayurvedic herbs, you can treat this condition, by attending to factor causing it. Listed below are five effective options that can alleviate your problem to a great extent.

1) Garlic

Lets begin with a simple herb that is commonly found, garlic. Garlic is an ayurvedic herb, and is popular for its properties to cure. Recouping after an infection or injury or child birth is easier, when you include garlic in your diet. Besides being curative, it is known for its improved sexual performance in men and women, as it promotes, general well being of sexual organs.

2) Shatavari

Shatavari popularly known as Asparagus Racemosus, helps in alleviating hormonal imbalance in women, more so, after child birth. It is also good remedy to overcome difficulties while conceiving. It is known to improve blood circulation and generation process, besides, overcoming miscarriage conditions in women. It is also effective in treating, certain conditions in  men, such as, inflamed sexual organs, spermatorrhea and impotence.

3) Ashwagandha

It is commonly called as Indian Ginseng and useful in treating conditions in men. It can mitigate conditions such as, male infertility, impotence, and premature ejaculation. It is an adaptogenic herb that provides good nourishment to your body, thereby making it competent to handle stress and strain. It therefore rejuvenates your sex drive, other than strengthening your respiratory and reproductive systems. When you are not stressed or fatigued, sexual desires, come back to you. To include ashwagandha in your routine, you should take it with, warm milk or ginger or hot water or honey or meals, to digest it easily.

4) Salab Mishri

Salab mishri is a terrestrial plant known for promoting sexual endurance, besides improving your overall health. It is popularly useful in men, with conditions affecting sperm quality. It is known to improve blood circulation to penile region and hence augment sperm quality.

5) Shilajit

Ayurveda revers this herb to be a divine, youth rejuvenating nectar. It helps maintain your youthful vigor and sexual desire. It is basically an aphrodisiac, that works to ameliorate male sperm count. It is effective when, poor libido is a result of hormonal irregularities. To summarize, this herb, improves hormone functioning, libido and sexual performance, and can be called Ayurvedic equivalent to Viagra.

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Originally posted 2021-09-29 12:50:56.
